Student loan debt in the United States has recently exceeded one trillion dollars!
That is more debt than is owed to the credit card companies. As the cost of higher education increases, student loan debt, by necessity, also increases. Unlike credit card debt, however, student loan debt is difficult to resolve. Student loan collectors have a great deal of power and it is easier for them to collect on student loan debt than it is for credit card companies to collect on credit card debt.
Our attorneys can deal with student loan debt for our clients in a number of different ways. We ask clients to come into one of our offices for a free initial consultation in order to determine possible solutions to a person’s problems with their student loans. If a student loan is in default or at the stage where an administrative garnishment of wages is in place, obviously time is of the essence in order to deal with the student loan debt. We ask our clients to fill out an initial consultation form that will quickly allow us to get to the bottom of the problem. When you come to our office, please first try to gather all of the student loan documents and letters that you can find. Secondly, and very importantly, please go to the following government web site, obtain a user name and password, and then print off all of the student loan information that is there on you as it relates to government guaranteed student loans and bring that to us at your consultation. The website address is as follows:
Finally, if you would like our information form for the free consultation form emailed to you, please send an email to us at:
You may also call our office, nearest to you, and schedule a free consultation appointment. When you call, please tell our receptionist that you want to discuss your student loan situation. If you are experiencing other debt problems in addition to student loans as well, please tell our receptionist that you want to have a free initial bankruptcy consultation where all of your debts will be explored and discussed with a licensed attorney. Our goal is to help our clients in a respectful and dignified manner while providing the most expedient and professional legal assistance that we can.
Thank you for your interest in our firm and we look forward to meeting with you.