Submitted by the Bond & Botes Law Offices - Wednesday, February 14, 2024

If there was a NBA Best Players list or a New York Yankees Murderers Row for lawyers, attorney Roy Black would unquestionably be on it. He has been an integral part of American jurisprudence over the last 50 years. His accolades are too numerous to list separately but you can find them here. He even has his own Wikipedia page so that pretty much sums up his career! He is a founding partner of the Black Srebnick law firm. What I found interesting in talking to Roy on this episode of the podcast is that I have rarely encountered someone so passionate about the work that they do. You will hear the vitality, vigor and enthusiasm in his voice and, if you didn’t know better, you would think that Roy was 25 years old and 6 months out of law school! I hope you enjoy hearing his story on this episode.
Written by Ron Sykstus