Submitted by the Bond & Botes Law Offices - Thursday, October 26, 2023

I have known of attorney Mark Zaid by reputation for many years, given my own security clearance practice. I recently ran across Mark’s name again in the July/August 2023 issue of the Washington Lawyer Magazine which gets distributed to all DC bar members. The article was titled “Keeping Up with Pioneers in Evolving Practices” and it discussed Mark’s work over the years. His law practice, based in Washington, DC, has included representing the families of victims of the 1988 terrorist bombing of Pan Am Flight 103. He has a broad practice to include representing government whistleblowers and intelligence community members with security clearance issues. He has a website to help whistleblowers. We also discussed his Freedom of Information/Privacy Act practice on this episode of the podcast. As you’ll hear, Mark has an affable and engaging personality and it is no wonder that he appears on various news programs as an expert commentator on a very regular basis! I think you’ll like hearing his story on this episode of the podcast.
Written by Ron Sykstus