Debt Collector Now Has My Debt
Submitted by the Bond & Botes Law Offices - Friday, September 9, 2022
When you’ve run into difficult times, it’s not unusual to be unable to pay a bill or have it slip by unnoticed. However, when those debts are sold to a debt collector, you may feel as though you’re in a never-ending battle.
Second chance for borrowers who defaulted on student loans
Submitted by the Bond & Botes Law Offices - Tuesday, August 30, 2022
If your loans are eligible, you’ll temporarily regain several student aid and credit reporting benefits. You’ll also get the opportunity to get out of default and keep those benefits for the long term. Eligibility depends on the kind of loans you have, and at what point the loans defaulted.
Security Clearances and Psychological Conditions
Submitted by the Bond & Botes Law Offices - Tuesday, August 16, 2022
By Ronald C. Sykstus
Over the last three years or so, I have seen a marked increase in people who hold or are trying to get security clearances running into issues as they relate to psychological conditions. The guideline that controls security clearances references,
Health Insurance, Medical Debt, and Bankruptcy
Submitted by the Bond & Botes Law Offices - Monday, August 15, 2022
If you become ill or have been injured in some way treatment can be very expensive. Throw in the cost of preventive care like dental procedures, vision, and hearing the cost of being unhealthy in America, even with health insurance, can destroy anyone’s budget, especially if you have children.
Stop Living Paycheck to Paycheck
Submitted by the Bond & Botes Law Offices - Monday, August 8, 2022
At the Bond & Botes Law Offices bankruptcy is our business. We are focused on helping people get relief from debt. Over the years we have filed 10s of thousands of bankruptcies. Filing bankruptcy for people is how we make our living, many of our clients come to us living paycheck to paycheck and hire us to help end the cycle of living under this great burden.
Prepare Your Finances for the Holidays
Submitted by the Bond & Botes Law Offices - Tuesday, August 2, 2022
Truth: The year-end holidays are expensive and they will be here soon.
With rising interest rates and inflation, this year may be the most expensive ever, gifts, decorations, and other seasonal purchases you expect to make, you might be surprised just how easily holiday spending can get out of control.
Easy Credit and Debt Consolidation Loan Dangers
Submitted by the Bond & Botes Law Offices - Thursday, July 21, 2022
Decisions That Can Last a Lifetime Should Not be as Easy as Ordering a Pizza
5 Things You Can Do to Protect Your Financial Future
Submitted by the Bond & Botes Law Offices - Friday, July 15, 2022
Over the years we have helped tens of thousands of people in Alabama & Mississippi get relief from overwhelming debt. The why and how our help came to be needed is unique to each client. However, there are a few things we found to be common in many cases.
Life Events, Not Poor Decisions, Can Contribute to Financial Hardship
Submitted by the Bond & Botes Law Offices - Thursday, June 30, 2022
Man Plans, God Laughs
Unfortunately, even if you do plan ahead for possible emergencies, your best efforts may not cover the resulting expenses.
What Happens if You Ignore Debt Collectors?
Submitted by the Bond & Botes Law Offices - Thursday, June 23, 2022
If you’re like most people, the current high prices of gas, food, rent, and just about everything else is stretching your budget to the breaking point. If they are not doing so already, your creditors are ramping up their collection activity and you just want to make the calls stop.