Submitted by the Bond & Botes Law Offices - Thursday, May 23, 2019
In this episode of “Next Security Clearance Expert Up”*, I was fortunate to be able to discuss security clearance issues with Jeffrey W. Bennett who is very well respected in this field. In addition to having a combined 25 years of experience in the National Industrial Security Program, Jeff is a former Army officer with military intelligence experience and he also speaks three languages!
Jeff’s primary area of expertise is in the field of industrial security. He has really mastered this area and eagerly shares his knowledge. In fact, he is so prolific on this topic that he has his own publishing arm, a blog and a podcast!
Also, since turnabout is fair play, I did this podcast with Jeff after he was kind enough to have me on his podcast discussingSecurity Clearance Problems and How to Solve Them. I had never met Jeff in person prior to doing this podcast and it was great to get to know him. He really is an important and integral contributor to our industrial security community.
* I should note that this is the really the second episode of the “Next Security Clearance Expert Up.” See Episode 31 for my podcast featuring Stan Miller.
Written by Ron Sykstus