Submitted by the Bond & Botes Law Offices - Monday, February 4, 2019
Frank Ward is a highly respected and well regarded lawyer who handles cases throughout North Alabama. He is best known for representing individuals who find themselves in the unenviable position of having been charged with Driving Under the Influence (or "DUI"). Simply being charged with a DUI can be detrimental to one's career and standing in the community so it is best to have a skilled DUI lawyer on your side. Frank focuses on all aspects of DUI law to include driver's license issues and, down the road, possible expungement under Alabama law. Frank has an extensive background in trial work and really is able to get good outcomes for many of his clients in the most unfortunate of circumstances. What I respect about Frank is his ability to not just see the individual case for what it is, but he is also very good at focusing on all of his clients' issues as they relate to their employment and family lives. In this area of the country, where security clearances are very important to getting and holding a good job, this is a much-needed attribute. Frank law practice also focuses on estate planning and estate administration. He is a good guy and well-liked by his clients. I enjoyed getting to know him on this podcast.
Written by Ron Sykstus