Submitted by the Bond & Botes Law Offices - Monday, December 17, 2018
"When society confers the privilege to practice law on an individual, he or she accepts the responsibility to promote justice and to make justice equally accessible to all people. Thus, all lawyers should aspire to render some legal services without fee or expectation of fee for the good of the public." The American Bar Association Standing Committee on Pro Bono and Public Service.
Here in North Alabama, we are blessed to have lawyers involved in a very vibrant and active pro-bono community. The Madison County Volunteer Lawyers Program (MCVLP) serves hundreds of clients each year with thousands of pro bono legal hours. There are many well-respected lawyers who are anxious to perform pro bono legal work through this organization.
The Executive Director of MCVLP is Nicole Schroer. Nicole previously worked as a partner at the highly regarded law firm of Wilmer and Lee. While there, she did a lot of non-profit work in her "free time," to include long and active involvement, including as president, of the Junior League of Huntsville. She then decided to invest herself in giving back on a full time basis through her work overseeing MCVLP. I enjoyed getting to know Nicole and learning more about her background and passion for serving others in this podcast. Our community is a better place as a result of Nicole's many contributions. We are fortunate to have her amongst us.
Written by Ron Sykstus