Submitted by the Bond & Botes Law Offices - Tuesday, June 13, 2017
This episode of the Next Lawyer Up podcast features attorney Jere Beasley.
I can't imagine a lawyer in the state of Alabama who doesn't know the name of attorney Jere Beasley. In fact, it is probably the same way for at least 90% (if not all!) of the lawyers in the entire United States. Jere Beasley is that universally well-known and respected. Not only has he tried many cases in his past, he and his law firm are on the absolute cutting edge in many areas of plaintiff's personal injury and mass tort cases.
In spite of the success that he has enjoyed, Jere Beasley is as gracious, humble and generous as they come. In fact, his entire law firm operates from that same mold. Besides the legal imprint that Mr. Beasley and law his firm have made on a nationwide basis, Jere has also had a great impact on the state of Alabama with his initial behind the scenes work in Alabama politics and then as Lieutenant Governor of the state itself for 8 years.
He was a joy to talk to and this is a man who clearly enjoys his work - in fact, he told me that his wife reminded him recently that they didn't even take a vacation last year! He also finds time to publish the widely read "Jere Beasley Report." I enjoyed talking to him at his beautiful office complex in downtown Montgomery. I just watched "Becoming Warren Buffet" on HBO. In a lot of respects, Jere Beasley reminds me of Warren Buffet as far as the impression he has left on the legal community in our country. I think that you will enjoy this podcast very much - I know that I did!
Written by Ron Sykstus