Submitted by the Bond & Botes Law Offices - Monday, June 13, 2016
I have written previously about the security clearance process and the perceived need for it to be reformed. This always comes up after a major negative incident in our country related to someone who holds a clearance.
The Office of Personnel Management (OPM) provided testimony in February, 2016 on the status and future of reform of the security clearance process.
In the end, I do think reform will happen eventually. In simple terms, what I think will happen will be a security clearance system that reviews security clearances on a random and continuous basis, relies and mandates self reporting of incidents to facility security officers (FSOs) and provides a penalty for lack of self-reporting. Right now, secret clearances are reviewed every ten years and top secret clearances are reviewed every five years. If there is a loss of jurisdiction, then a clearance remains in effect for 24 months. After 24 months, another investigation is required. Mandatory self-reporting will make a review of the clearance automatic upon information being submitted and, conversely, failure to self-report, in my view, may end up being a guideline E personal conduct concern for the government when considering whether a security clearance applicant should be granted or continued to be allowed to have access to classified material. Of course, this will take money appropriated from Congress (and a lot of it) in order to get to random and continuous evaluation of clearances. That is the big question as to whether true security clearance reform will ever be instituted.
If you have concerns about any type of security clearance, please contact me directly by visiting my security clearance web site: I have been helping individuals with security clearance concerns, denials and revocations for several years. You can contact me here or by phone at my direct phone number 256-713-0221.
These blog posts may provide some further guidance and assistance for you.