Submitted by the Bond & Botes Law Offices - Monday, August 10, 2015
The first college football game of the 2015 season is 18 days away and for many fans, it cannot get here fast enough. According to NBC news in 2013, somewhere between $60 and $70 billion dollars is wagered on college football each year. The figure has more than likely increased with the new playoff system now in place and there are estimates that $8 billion dollars alone is bet on the Super Bowl each year.
In gambling there are always winners, but many more losers which can lead to money problems. The bookie must be paid or he will send someone to help you find your wallet. All kidding aside, I have met with several clients over the years whose gambling loses lead them to miss house payments, car payments, card card payments, etc. Using money that is allocated for the necessities of life is never a good bet.
If you are experiencing money problems and do not know what options may be available, seek out a professional who can give you reliable advice. At Bond and Botes, we are here to help you and offer a free initial consultation to review your situation and go over all your options including chapter 7 bankruptcy and chapter 13 debt consolidation.